Visalia Sportsmen’s Association
Range Operations Reference Guide
Rev 01.01.2019
CRSO : Russ Beechinor
Range Operations Reference Guide
Rev 01.01.2019
General Information
1. Address – 7398 Ave 328 Visalia, CA
2. Phone – 559-651-1415
3. Mailing Address – PO BOX 105 Visalia, CA 93279
4. Contact Information
a. Head Range Master – Russ Beechinor – 559-280-4061 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
b. Electrical Issues – Leonard Cote -559-732-9981
c. Water Issues – Leonard Cote – 559-732-9981
d. Irrigation Issues – Leonard Cote – 559-732-9981
e. Facilities Issues – Russ Beechinor – 559-280-4061
Definitions and Abbreviations
1. RSO – Range Safety Officer
2. OBI – Open Bore Indicator ( Bore Flag )
3. Negligent Discharge (ND) – The Firing of any weapon in an unauthorized place/or an unauthorized time
4. Red Line – The Line formed by the shooting Benches that extends from the East end of the Range to the West end of the Range
5. Firing Line – The line formed by the shooting benches that extends from the East end of the Range to the West end of the Range.
6. Secure Rifle – A rifle contained in a case or locked or unloaded with an approved OBI inserted in to the chamber
7. Secure Handgun – A handgun contained in a case or lock box or has the magazine removed and/or the action open
8. Rapid Fire – Firing more than one shot per second
1. No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed to shoot at any time and will be asked to leave the premises
2. The RSOs on duty have complete control of the Range and will make all decisions that affect the safe running of the facility
3. Any Board member or Officer has the authority to dismiss any RSO for failure to properly perform their duties
4. Only Law Enforcement on duty are allowed to open-carry a loaded handgun while on the range
5. Off-duty Law Enforcement and CCW permit holders are allowed to carry a loaded firearm concealed on the range
6. The Following calibers are NOT allowed to be shot at the steel gongs. RSOs have discretion on other calibers not listed
a. 50 BMG
b. 416 Barrett
c. 338 Lapua
d. also, no steel core ammunition may be fired at the gongs, regardless of caliber
7. Anyone found shooting at the yard markers, pipes or any other range equipment, will be immediately expelled from the range and the incident shall be reported to the Board
8. No Rapid Fire will be permitted on the rifle or pistol range (See Definition #8 )
Emergency Procedures
1. Serious illness or Injury – Call 911
2. Minor Injury – Use first aid Kit located in the Blockhouse
3. Fire - Call 911
4. Criminal or Trespass – Call 911
5. Incident Reports
a. A report is to be filled out as soon as possible by the RSO on duty after an incident occurs.
b. The report is to be as detailed as possible
c. The RSO is to ensure that the report reaches the Board of Directors in time for the next Board meeting
d. If the incident results in an injury, the Club President or Vice President should be notified immediately
e. Incidents include but are not limited to:
i. Negligent Discharges
ii. Damage to Facilities
iii. Injuries caused by slipping or falling
iv. Catastrophic failure of a firearm
Safety Rules
1. All firearms are to be pointed in a safe direction
2. All firearms are to be handled as though they were loaded
3. Movement of rifles between shooting benches and tables may only be done during a Green Light condition
4. Movement of rifles may only be done if the rifle is in a secured condition (see Definitions and Abbreviations #6). This includes:
a. Movement between Vehicle and tables
b. Movement between tables and shooting benches
5. Cleaning and position of rifles can only be done on the tables with the muzzle pointed toward the parking lot
6. Open action indicators (Bore Flags) are to be used at all times unless the rifle is in a case or lock box
a. Approved indicators are bright colored plastic with no metal parts
b. The club will keep a supply of indicators for both loan and purchase. A deposit equal to the cost of replacement will be collected for loaned indicators.
7. Hearing protection shall be worn by both shooters and spectators. The club has disposable earplugs for sale and earmuffs for loan
8. Eye protection shall be worn by all persons in front of the red line. The club has pairs for sale and loan with a deposit equal to the cost of the glasses
9. Tracer and Armor Piercing ammunition is prohibited on the Range due to fire and ricochet concerns
10. On foggy days, if the Back Berm is not visible, there will be no shooting until the fog clears.
11. Pistols may be shot on the rifle range but they must be shot from a rest or sandbag; no standing. Also, pistols may not be shot from the last 3 benches on either end of the range.
12. No motor vehicles will be allowed down on the range during hours of operation (unless at the discretion of the RSOs on duty). Before opening and after closing, members may drive down to unload or load gear.
Public Shoot Days
1. Shooting hours are 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
2. There will be three RSOs on Duty ( 2 RSOs for the rifle range and 1 RSO for the pistol range)
3. The pistol range will only be operational if there is a dedicated pistol range RSO on duty
4. The RSO’s on duty:
a. Are in complete charge of the range
b. Are responsible for enforcing all safety and range rules
c. Have the authority to evict any shooter or spectator who is not abiding by the rules or is a hazard to those present
d. May not shoot when on duty if there are shooters on the range
e. Will fill out a Range Log and all RSO’s will sign
f. Will raise the American flag before opening; at closing, will lower and properly fold the flag and store it in the blockhouse.
g. Will check that the restrooms are clean and supplied
Range Operating Procedures
1. Green Light signifies that the Firing Line is open for shooting
2. Red Light signifies that the Firing Line is closed
During a Red Light
1. It is safe for shooters to go downrange and service their targets
2. All persons must stay behind the Red Line
3. No one is to touch any firearm or equipment on the shooting benches
Range Commands
During Green Light
Two Minute Warning
1. “We will have a line break in two minutes”
2. “Please finish the rounds you have loaded and secure your rifle”
After Two Minutes
1. “Cease Fire – Cease Fire”
2. “Open all actions and remove all magazines”
3. “Insert Bore Flags and step behind the Red Line”
After RSOs check the line and make sure all firearms are secure and everybody is behind the Red Line
1. “The line safe, you may now go downrange and check or change your targets”
2. “Turn on the Red Light”
3. “Please no handling of the firearms or equipment at the shooting benches during the Red Light”
During Red Light
1. RSO’s are to watch the shooting benches to make sure no one handles any firearms or equipment
2. RSO’s should keep an eye out downrange for any issues
When everybody is done down range and back behind the Red Line
1. “We are going to heat up the range”
2. “everyone put on your eye and ear protection”
3. “Ready on the Right”
4. “Ready on the Left”
5. “Ready on the Pistol Range”
6. “You may commence firing”
7. “Turn on the Green Light”
Firing Time
1. Firing time is at the discretion of the RSOs and depends on the quantity and type of shooters on the line. Rule of thumb is 20-25 minutes
2. Line Breaks should be no longer that the time it takes for shooters to service their targets and police their brass
Targets and Frames
1. Targets of various types and staplers are available at the blockhouse
2. Target frames are available at either side of the blockhouse
3. The shooter should center their target(s) on the frame so as to not be shooting the wooden frame
4. Excessive damage to the wooden frame is subject to a $15.00 fee
Shooter Sign-In
1. Verify the shooter is a current member by checking their membership card or receipt
2. If the shooter has neither card nor receipt, then:
a. They are signed up as an Associate Member for $20.00 ( Day Shooter )
b. They are signed up as a member and refunded when they can show proof of membership
3. All shooters must sign the log book. This is an insurance requirement
4. All Pistol shooters will sign-in and show their proof of membership to the RSO on duty at the Block House.
5. Make sure the shooter has enough Bore Flags for their firearms
6. Remind the shooters that they are responsible for cleaning up their own brass and trash
Signing Up Members
1. Explain the different types of memberships (Regular, Family, Life or Associate)
2. Have them read all the safety rules and fill out the Application CLEARLY and COMPLETELY
3. Put the original copy of the completed Application and fees in an envelope and put it through the slot in the white safe
Change to:
Put the original copy of the completed application and fees in an envelope and place in the cash box; at the end of the day put all envelopes in the slot of the gray safe.
4. Explain that it might take several weeks to get their card and to keep their receipt as proof of membership
Pistol Range
1. Only pistol calibers may be fired on the range. Pistols that fire rifle calibers are to be fired on the rifle range
2. Shooters must observe Red Light periods
3. NO HOLSTERS may be worn on the range … at anytime NO EXCEPTIONS! (insurance requirement)
Pistol Range Rules for Children and Handgun shooting:
1. NO minor under the age of ten (10) years old will be allowed to fire a handgun.
2. Minors between the ages of ten (10) and twelve (12) are only allowed to shoot rim-fire handguns.
3. Minors Between the ages of thirteen (13) and eighteen (18) will be allowed to shoot a center-fire handgun.
4. All minors between the ages of ten (10) and eighteen (18) are required to have an adult within arms-length while firing a handgun.
5. First time minors with their family/guardian/responsible adult requesting to shoot a hand-gun will be required to have RSO observation.
Range Safety Officers